Upcycled Bookbinding Studio
Bel Mills, Book Artist
Learn To Create One-of-a-Kind, Handmade Books with Salvaged Paper

Did you know you're surrounded by bookmaking supplies, right in your own home? Join me in an upcoming workshop where I'll show you how to transform your ordinary paper into extraordinary handmade books. You don't need any fancy paper to get started. Let me show you how!
Are you captivating by the idea of making books but unsure where to start? Getting the right tools is the first step in your bookmaking journey. Help yourself to my PDF: 9 Essential Bookbinding Tools. You’ll discover:
1. Which tools to start with
2. What features to look for
3. The exact tools I have in my studio.
Discover the possibilities hidden in ordinary paper! The Bookmaker's Guide To Upcycling is an absolutely free, exhaustive guide where you get ALL my best ideas for incorporating upcycled paper into your handmade books. I show you what paper I save, why I save it, and which books can be made with it. We're talking 100+ photos to get your creative wheels turning! Get ready to have your mind blown with bookmaking inspiration.
Were you "mis-sorted" as a child? Has your art supply stash ballooned out of control? These are among the compelling questions tackled in the Scrap Paper Circus blog. You'll also find my favorite links to public domain images, my favorite sources of rubber stamps, my favorite books on upcycled bookbinding, my favorite get the picture.
All paper is filled with possibility. Whether it's envelopes, paper sacks, cardboard boxes, or file folders, You, too, can help ordinary paper live its best life. Start by perusing the galleries here, then join my email list below if you'd like to know how to make them yourself! Subscribers are the first to know about new classes and get access to members pricing!
Mail art was my first love, before I'd made a single book! Click here to take a peek at mail art and collages made with salvaged paper, vintage maps, magazine images,and postage stamps. Members of my email list get the best prices each time my new classes on upcycled mail art are released. Sign up below!
A button-and-string closure adds a touch of retro charm to all your envelopes and book projects! Check out this free video tutorial demonstrating how to create one with just a few simple craft supplies.
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